I have been using Airtel Broadband for almost 2 years. So far it has been a really good service.
Getting the connection
There was an option to register Mobile number/ email for getting a new connection. I gave the details and nothing happened for 1 week. Then I contacted a local Airtel agent, and he completed the formalities and gave the connection within two days.
The online application didnt work for me and they contacted only after 1 month for checking about my requirements.
The wiring and equipments(beetel modem and a really nice phone with clip/speaker phone facility). The phone has a slot where we in insert the GSM sim and copy contacts directly. I had to change the modem settings to make it compatible with my wireless router.
Speed and connectivity.
I never had any problem with speed or connectivity. It has been a really nice experience - so far.
One I had a problem with the connection and had to make a complaint. The service man came the very next day a did the necessary things.( their line got cut somewhere in the neighborhood). They verified everything is working fine before they leave. Also I received a call from CS to check if everything is okay.
I never had a problem with speed. I have a 385 KiloBits/Second connection and I normally get that speed. I watch a lot of videos and movies and I never had a problem with in it. I am getting whatever speed they had promised
Customer Service and response
Customer service is also good. I had kept my service in safe-custody for about three months and I could do that at home. I never had to go to their office to get things done. CS is fast, reliable, and user friendly.
Phone Service
I am not using the phone at all. I used to get some Ads in the phone, but after registering for the do not disturb list in airtel website I didnt get any such calls. I cannot comment on the call price as I am not using this facility. But the set they have given is one of the best available in the market.
The cost is in the same band when compared with other private connections, but higher compared to BSNL.
Based on all these experience I would say its a really good internet connection.