Let me assure you that, whilst you are reading this article. I am trying to figure out, how to cancel the standing instructions that I have given to Airtel.
Unfortunately, I have a Airtel broadband connection and they have various payment methods, one of them was chosen by me called SI( Standing Instructions) from Kotak Credit Card. I have now decided to cancel the SI for my broad band connection for personal reasons and Airtel has responded to my request and has sent me an email, that I need to cancel this SI with the concerned bank. However, the bank has responded that I should cancel this with the service provider Airtel.
My friends, all I am trying to tell you that if you are planning to have SI for your fixed line / broadband connection, please re-consider this, since there is NO clarity in the information provided to you by Airtel. It has taken me more than 2 difficult attempts to set this SI up using my credit card and now it is even more difficult to undo this standing instructions.
Kindly choose the option of paying these bills online using a debit card / credit card, net banking or drop the cheque in the drop box provided. All other means of payments are very very poor with Airtel. Please consider before having ECS or SI.
I certify that this is my honest, personal review based on my own experience