Everything is fine with airtel except that under margin pressures they go to any extent to loot customers. The customer care is not at all educated about even the basic broadband terminlogies.
Heres an excerpt from the post at my blog:
Here is the good news, My provider Airtel doubled the internet
speed, to 512kbps from 256 kbps for the same rental. But wait and read
This is definitely a pleasant surprise, especially with these stubborn,
foolish service providers who provide 8mbps plans and give a 4Gb cap.
Yea, that’s correct I said 4gb. Come on, Can you believe that? So if
you leave your downloads on, you will use up the month’s limit in 1
hour 8 mins. Come on, what the hell. And the plan costs Rs 1299
Anyways, some soul manages to convince these ppl, and they decide to
give up 384Kbps unlimited for Rs 999, an upgrade from 256kbps. Bravo!
Read more and share your grudges here: https://kakku.wordpress.com/2008/01/29/airtel-speed-upgrades-nice-andbutyeah-it-still-sucks/#more-49