I am corporate customer of yours my PRI NO is(0120)4725800.Your service sucks!.Spoke to 3 different MANAGERS.Santosh(9871516479), V arun Bahal(9810987168) and some idiot name Sagar Verma(9810699805) in CV(by the way this stands for customer verification!) and All these MANAGERS were not able to tell me why my connection got disconnected(disconnection time 4.30PM and its 6.40 and nobody has reverted and my connection is still down).None of the above managers understand customer service and Mr Sagar Verma was talking like a local goon.Every month I pay my bill on time if I delay you charge me late payment fees.Today there is a disconnection without intimation to me.So will airtel pay me disruption penalty as compensation?.We are in retail business, telephone lines are critical to process credit card payments. If they are disconnected I lose business and service standards.So much! for your claim of "Indias leading telecom company" Hope Mr Mittal is aware how you guys run his business! which at one point of time he saved going bust by differentiating airtel from competition by excellence in customer service standard.