We took Airtel connection years back and still we are unable to cancel it. Every time they will call with fake usage charges and if we react and strictly say we cannot pay, some fraud executives with sweet coated words will visit our place. They will speak as if god has sent them to solve our problems and finally leave us by giving a so called settlement letter(again fake). People say, globe is round and we will meet any person again in our life. But that is wrong. We will never see the airtel executives again in our life after they give us a fake letter. I have never seen such a bloody service providers in my life. Airtel had a good name in the society. But with the cheap service they provide, they will soon loose their business. It is not only a pain I share. It is a curse of many innocent customers who got cheated because of the service.
This is almost the 5th time they gave settlement letter(and sometimes cheated saying they will change the scheme) Still on a fine day, they called again to spoil our mood. Instead of doing such a service, they can openly beg from all and run their service. Something which is very funny is that, this time they even send us a closure mail with a subject "MISS YOU" No one who used Airtel will miss the service. We tried to explain our part to the Airtel executives, still they have their own stories to argue. If a bill is generated, all the branches of airtel will get the info. If we go to any airtel showroom in any village to pay the bill, they will accept our money. But after paying money, no airtel showrooms or no airtel executives will be able to find the paid info. Oh my god, How people can cheat like this.
My advise to all. Please don ever use airtel broadband service. Even if you use, don ever believe their words, their so called bills or anything. If an executive comes, take his photo, his id card copy and record his conversation. try to get all the information from him. Even though it is of no help, still you will atleast be able to file a case in consumer court one day after their continuous torture.