I am an Airtel Broadband & Telephone customer at Bangalore since February 2004 & I am happy with the service and the quality. I have progressively changed the tariff/plan as and when the technology has hanged and also as and when they have introduced a scheme more appropriate to my usage.
The only bad thing about the service is that, whenever we do not use the phone and the computer much, they give an inflated bill.However they have corrected the wrong billing after giving the details to them; But sometimes it becomes a very irritating & painful process. This is one area which has to be streamlined.
I keep watching my usage periodically on their website. But their website is slow & loads very slowly, though their service connection is very fast!!!
Right now I have a over-billing problem in the bill for the month of October & I have been persuing them by phone calls and by email right from the date the bill was received on November 1; But the matter is not attended to by them & as the due date has approached I have had to make the part payment.
Airtel had been advertising in the past that they will give Rs.100/= if there is a wrong billing or if a complaint on service is not attended within some 24 hours or so. I presume they have stopped this now!