We have moved from our old address and requested for installation at the new address. The request was placed on 09th June 2014, since then I was not using my broad band connection. As there was feasibility issue at the new address, technician informed that connection could not be provided at the new address provided. The technician informed the same only after 3 weeks of request and moreover I have disconnected the connection on 8-Jun-2014 itself. I have not used the connection for the month and have used the connection only from 05-Jun-2014 to 08-Jun-2014., the request was given on 9-Jun-2014.
However, I have received a bill amount of Rs 987.95. Customer care agents refused to help me out in this regards. I have informed them even before bill calculation that bill should not be charged for the non-usage period. Customer care is refusing to help me and says that this is the procedure. They says de-activation request was taken only on 26th Jun 2014, hence the bill amount stays valid. I have hardly used 0.3 gb, where as 15 gb is the high speed bandwidth limit. Why should I pay such huge amount for the non-usage period?
I have escalated the issue to Airtel Appellate authority, who too proved to be pathetic in terms of customer service.I was forced to pay Rs 500 instead of Rs 987.As per the actual number of days used I am supposed to pay amount less than Rs 200.I had no time to fight with them and paid Rs 500/. As far as internet service in India is concerned no service provider is able to provide quality service.Pathetic!