Dear Airtel My Land line number is 040-48566646 it is in the Advance rental plan.My Plan Period end time is Jan-19-2020.But Ur people Disconnect my Land line Number on Dec-20-2019.When we called to customer care they told us that ur plan period is over your outstanding Amount is 1850/- To get the connection Activate.But where as my Plan time is till 19.01.2020.But We paid the amount of 1850/- Dt:20.12.2019 Receipt No:01534479441512.And They said that ur plan is in 2999/- plan Where as our plan is in(499/-) acctivate for 6 months.We called to customer care they told me Simply there is a technical issue.We thought 2999/- plan so we changed in the airtel app to 999/- plan.So We request you to continue in the same old plan which we taken while Installation.Please immediately change my plan to old plan where as 499/- as soon as possible.Revert back our amount.
NOTE: Airtel customer service persons miss-communicate the customers.To Change to Higher plans