Now you want to upgrade from your crummy cable wallah & are evaluating DTH services and their packages. Heres a few tips to keep in mind:
In case you pay in advance for the full year you get some days free.
However in case after paying the advance rental for a year you want to change your package then Airtel has a surprise for you as explained below :
You paid for a year & after 6 months decide to upgrade your package then : Airtel will first make you pay the extra charges for the 6 months that have passed where you watched the lower package, then they will charge you further for 12 months as per the new higher package & in the process due to technical reasons from their side you will actually end up paying more than the actual annual charges for 12 months.
Makes sense incase no - then Welcome to the world of Airtel !! in case you try & understand the rationale then let me tell you in advance that this is official policy to cheat consumers.
Have Fun or evaluate anybody else except Airtel.