I purchased Airtel Digital TV connection from Pai Electronics, Marathalli Bangalore on 02 May 2010. At shop, representative told me that connection will be fixed and activated with 48 Hours. However, till 05 May 2010 12.15 PM , its not yet active. I called customer care several times, but I never got any satisfactory reply on activation of services. I asked the
m to uninstall the connection and refund my money. After listening this, they will start pleading that I should understand there condition.
Its been a very BAD experience while interacting with Customer Care, they repeatedly failed to give correct information and moreover misled by giving false information (it will be done in 1 hour repeatedly) more than one occasion.Moreover, they dont understand importance of CONCERNS OF CUSTOMER. Please dont waste your money.
Guys, I used following email Id to express my displeasure, may be of help for you