Do not subscribe Airtel DTH ever thinking it may be another good product
from Airtel. Airtel DTH is third class, mediocre service. Its customer care
does not listen or does not have patience to listen to customer problems.
Even if they hear they do not know how to solve.
Around a month back, the Airtel DTH amplifiers installed at my apartment
had some problems and it got to be replaced finally. This took a week time.
But initially when we(almost 20 residents of my apt) called they used to tell
service engineer will come and lookinto the issue. But no one turned up and
after a week they silently replaced it and went.
Again recently I have started seeing "No signal" errors on most of the channels.
When I called for the first time, the executive said "I did some technical changes
and it will take 30 min to take into affect.". I did not see any change even
after 2 days. So, called them again. This time the executive asked me to
go to menu and select "restore factory defaults". I did that. That process
took me to a screen where we need to choose transponder. The executive
asked me to select "OK" at that screen. Next it took me to signal quality
screen where I was seeing signal quality0(zero) and it stuck there.
I have been telling the executive that I am seeing "No signal" errors on many
channels(including Airtel ad channels). Despite that he took me to the
transponder selection menu and said he can not do anything there. such
a brianless creature. Earlier I was getting few channels atleast. Because
of this stupid executive I lost that also. After trying multiple times, the
executive said "Service engineer will come tomorrow 5PM(within 24 hours)".
I asked him I will be in office at that time and asked him to arrange visit that
next day morning(36 hours) as I will be at home in the mornings.
The executive "there is NO option. you have to be at home around 5 PM
tomorrow to get the service else call tomorrow again and repeat the same".
That is the kind of service we get from so called "Executives" of airtel DTH.
So, never ever think of opting for Airtel DTH. Also we need to pay Rs.150/-
for every visit of service engineer.
Also as I noticed in some other victims postings, the language of the
executive sucks. It is very difficult to understand their version of english.
Some people speak in Hindi though you have opted for English and
they say we do not know english.