I have purchased airtel DTH on 16th June, 2010 from spencers, south city mall, kolkata.
It was amazing that they came and installed the DTH on the same day.
the best things that Ive seen in Airtel DTH are-
Best picture quality - they provide Superior MEPG4 DBV S2 quality picture & sound, which is even better than tata sky DTH picture, (reviewed as seen in 32" sony bravia LCD TV - Airtel has very less noise in picture)
Universal Remote - you can use only one remote to operate TV as well as STB.
Cheapest A-La-Carte system of packages- single channel package choice is better than any other DTH.
Regional Packages are free for Lifetime :)
Annual Ultra package cost around Rs300 which covers maximum number of (175) channels.I dont need channel counts- Dish TV offers maximum number of (around 225-250) channels but go to their website & review the all channels then you can find they have added some useless channels like all the regional channels (even they have counted Doordarshan channel that are free..)
Customer care is very helpful for Airtel DTH, I wanted to change my contact number & called customer care (12150 for Airtel DTH) from my airtel mobile & they changed it within 1min.
In case of Recharge go to Nearest Airtel Relationship Center & recharge the package you want.
The fact is if you go by proper process, theres no problem. :)You can change your package by calling same 12150 customer care or add new topups by online.
Pay per Movie system is great. You just need to sms or through website you can book movie.and after activation one particular channel like 182, 183 gets that movie for whole day.You can watch it when you like it. :)
In Airtel DTH remote there is one Audio button that is useful for Some channels.Suppose You are watching Dexters Lab in Cartoon Network, it is deafult playing in english.click blue audio button and select available language (eg. select HINDI if you want to hear CN in Hindi)its one advantage than local cable.
24hr program guide - you can see nxt to nxt all programs that will be telecasted within next 24hrs:)*
I have compared the three top leading DTH services- Tata SKy, Airtel DTH & Dish TV
== DTH - Quality Rating - Package Price Rating - Customer Service==
Airtel - 8.5/10 - 7.5/10 - 8.0/10
Tata SKy - 8.0/10 - 6.5/10 - 8.5/10
Dish TV - 7.0/10 - 8.0/10 - 6.5/10
Have Fun.. Ive given my opinion as per I am using my airtel DTH from 16th June, 2010.I had no issues and I had recharged the Ultra package for a year and got +2months extra subscriptions till Dec, 2011.
*When I was going to take Airtel DTH, I was scared a bit watching all reviews in website regarding Airtel.
But I must say, Its the Best DTH service Ive seen ever.
Still dont go by others review, Go to some stores, watch the picture quality of different DTHs, review the packages-channels u want to see, ask your friends about their experience.Then decide N buy what you want. :)