My calls for re installation havent been attended for the last one week
A new complaint no & time is given every time I call.imeslot.
For the last three days I have been given a new slot
have given request for reinstallation of Airtel digital TV at my new address in Bangalore.
Each time I give a complaint a new complaint no is generated.
Customer Code: 3000183956
Complaint Codes: 1144724, 1155758
Moreover after every call I am given a new appointment date & time
. For the last three days( 2nd October to 4th October) I have been given atleast 10 different time slots.
Neither is my request processed nor am I getting contact details of any authorised Airtel Service Engineer.
This is simply harrassment by Airtel.
( Pl note that all payments regarding this connection IN ADVANCE has been made to AIRTEL).
For the last one hour the call centre executives are pretending that lines are not clear.
So with a phoney accent they start saying HELLO HELLO and disconnect my call.
Chandni, Riya, Ravi etc etc whatever psuedo names they call themselves....
Incase Airtel is too busy they should let me know the same.... and incase service cannot be provided why not refund the money that you are sitting on??
Hope the South African customers will be more understanding than we are in India.
The 600 bucks that they have taken for reinstallation is now charity.