They will shamelessly say we havent got the payment or may say only X amount is visible in our system when u may have paid Y amount. Looks like it is a 2 step money transfer process where it first goes to outsourced house and then they raise a request and transfer money.
Now let me explain my story. I was using one connection for past 2 years seamless since money was paid in advance. Now I chose to take 2 multiroom connections and my bad I chose to go through internet and not through the local dealer. I sent one sms to 54325 as suggested online. I got a prompt call that they have received a request for multiroom connection I got details on packages and total cost over the phone. I was told to transfer 3380/- online. I simply transferred on a link given by the executive.
The link took me to Airtel payment page as I was finding hard to get a link for money transfer and CCE fwd me the link,
This is where the fraud started. Ideally this contract house was suppose to transfer this money into my account and raise a ticket for 2 connection. Instead these guys transferred money for 1 connection only and raised one ticket only. Simple! they just pocketed 1 connection charges and buried my connection request. Now I am going in circles with Airtel for past 7 days and with countless number of calls explaining my issue, giving them all details on money transaction id, CCE name, his rank, his office, his email id and everything. Still they are saying forget about your money. Its lost!\Shame to this big company.
Guys beware dont fall in online trap of this Airtel company. I can give more details on this mal-practice if anyone has any query.BUT STAY AWAY FROM THEM!