It took 57 minutest to get in touch with Customer Service Center Phone number after 13 call attemps:(
Moreover, the executives and their system is so crapy that to submit my installation request, they too 23 minutes of my time.
In last 5 days, I submitted 6 requests/compalints for getting my Airtel DTH Installation with Customer Service number. But, no intallation is done till today.
Everytime they promise, they fail to deliver.
And, you are so helpless, that you dont have any other contact details other than Customer Care that can help you with installation.
This is worstever service experience I ever had with Airtel.
My Account number and details are:
A/c no: 3001994029
Purchase Bill Date: 1st Nov, 2009
Strong recommendation do not opt for Airtel DTH for such a pathetic service. Specially in Bangalore. Dont know about other cities.