I have already got out of Airtel DTH(or rather they have thrown me out) And I would advice all Airtel DTH customers to move to some other operator.
SM2 error hit my home DTH service multiple times in last couple of months.
And Airtel never send any one to fix this.(once someone called and fooled me by saying he will be coming over and I should be available)
And finally when this started to occur each and every day. I send a mail to there nodal and airtelpresence mail ids. Same as earlier, I was asked to be present in my home on a working day and no one came.
After acting as a puppet for these airtel technicians, I decided to pull out of Airtel. And then the real torture started
I send a mail to cancel this connection and suddenly I get calls from everywhere to know whats the issue( as if they are totally unaware)
One day I see a reply from Airtel representative(a lady) saying I had talked about the issue with her and have agreed to wait for them to fix.
I send a reply appreciating them in creating a great story(these people are too smart). Then the same lady calls and and starts argument on how I can send a mail like this.
All these people would call the customer and talk any nonsense but will not give any details or explain these issue over mail.
(any one can observe the replies they had attached in the same message board)
I would suggest all airtel customer to record the phone conversation when ever you face any issues.(Thats your only proof)
Most interesting was the process of cancellation.
After you confirm cancellation, airtel technicians while visit you house and take away all the airtel equipments(set top box and Dish and the wires(even though you have paid for these) and Then they initiate the Cancellation and you might get refund of what ever pending recharge amount. All the initial amount you have paid(in my case 2500 RS) is gone, that wont be refunded.
If you have done some mistake, you have to pay for it later.
Same with me I made a mistake of buying Airtel DTH connection and I have paid the price for this mistake.