Airtel dth not at all value for money belive me .the packages of airtel dth are quite coastly and the no of channel are also limited. Although we now switch to cable network which the best we got almost all channels in 150 rs permonth .in converse when we have airtel so we have to pay around 500rs permpnth and not getting all channels also . I dissapoint with company. Also whenever there is bad weather the tv screen shows due to bad weather the connection lost then it will back agian after 5-6 hours. Another drawback or you can call worse part . In airtel dth we do recharge like we do in our cellphone but when your recharge is finish it work after that too but your account will be shown - balance which we nutralised after u did recharge so if you did recharge for 1 month it work only 25 days . . although picture qulity is good now also the cable operators providing set top box which givea yoiu good picture quality along with many free hd channels . But in dish you have to pay for that too so I recommand to switch on cable network they are value for money I hope you likr my views