Magic hai to Mumkin Hai ? What ? Kya mumkin hai ?
What is this ad trying to suggest ? Theres this bus where both the dullared stars are dozing and travelling , suddenly the bus stops and apparently , apart from shahrukh and kareena , no other people are on the bus.So , as usual , sharukh goes GAGA s over kareena beuty and says some tubrid tubrid blah blah blah type stupid lines magic hai to mumkin hai and kareena suddenly reaches to her dance show where she is dancing ballet or something. After the show is over , she falls in love with sharukh and closes her eyes and says the same stupid line magic hai to mumkin hai baaah , and of course !!! the dibly dubly shahrukh has to appear back !!! End of story !!!
Was there even a slight tiny viny mention about Airtels Services , or waht airtel is all about ? what does the dance show have to do with airtel ? eh ? anyone ? did shahrukh even use his cell for any help ? what ?!?!?!?! The answer for all these questions is NOOO !!!
This commercial has been made by something so confused, he/she doesnt know whether to scratch its watch or wind its ass. Trying to get something of value out of this commercial is like trying to squeeze orange juice out of an apple.
This is for the creative mind behind the commercial :
In closing, why dont you put your glasses on backwards and walk into yourself?
Magic hai To Namumkin Hai !!