If you happen to approach Airtels customer relationship center, you will be pathetically greeted by a bunch of so called "customer executives" (I dont know why they are called so even though their job is sit and keep giggling at customers) with all the lethargy.
Yes, the lethargy sets in even more when you tell them you are canceling your AIRTEL number. They dont want to do that. They keep sending you bills month after month even after repeated requests to cancel the number.
My Story:
I was relocating out of Bangalore and had to get the numbers canceled (primary + add on number) and settle their dues. I approached their relationship center located in Kattriguppa area in Bangalore, located diagonally opposite to Kamkya theater. The attitude of the lady attending me suddenly changed when I mentioned the purpose and she started to pretend ignorant about the procedure for canceling the number and started to involve herself in frolic with fellow "customer executives". Their records also showed that I hadnt paid security deposit even though I had paid it.
To my bad luck, I hadnt carried the security deposit receipts. After much persistence and me clearing the previous months dues, she agreed and accepted an application for cancelation. I was sure that the application would go to the waste paper basket after I left. Unfortunately, I didnt take a copy of the application (my mistake). I followed it up by calling their call center and they canceled only the primary number within 2 days. Even after repeated calls to cancel the add-on number, there was no use. I finally mailed the Nodal office and received an acknowledgment but again no action taken. Ive decided not to pay their dues since this should teach them a lesson. Even if they come hunting for me, I am long gone....