I am using my AirTel for last one year and from that moment Im trying to send MMS. For that Ive contacted Customer Care more than 100 times.
Each and everytime it takes 10 Minutes to tell my issue to customer care representative and then everyone asks me to do the same thing that Ive done earlier dozens of times like- Im Resetting your MMS Settings, Resending Multi Media Settings, Deleting Previous MMS Settings and then Save New MMS Settings that we people are sending you and then Restart the Phone.
In this hectic one year, I was able to send only 2 MMS and after that it once again became unaccessible. Dozens of times Ive been committed to get a call back from your side but I never got a call back. Even yesterday I talked to Team Leader Sandeep at about 11 A.M.. He asked the same thing and he also did the same thing that a normal agent does. He also committed me a call back that I never got. No body is ready to take the ownership.
Ive been asked to come to Corporate Office to get it working because Committing a Call Back is very easy but giving a call back is hard for AirTel. Im using Nokia 6260 and when I use the same handset with Hutch, I can do anything. I can send MMS, I can browse the internet and services are very very appreciable. With AirTel, It sucks.
If there is something more than WORST then that is named as AirTel. I took 2 new connections of Hutch and I felt the difference. AirTel promises the Quality Services and I can understand the definition of Quality redefined by AirTel. Ill strongly recommend not to get Airtel. Worst Support.