I took an Airtel connection on Jan 2001 in Bangalore. Till now I am quite happy with their service. Maybe its too early to comment as I have read the other reviews on Airtel.
As this is my first time with a mobile service provider I cannot really compare with others service providers. I find their customer cell quite responsive. The bill is reaching me on time. I only use the local call and SMS (Short messaging service) services. Both of them are quite satisfactory. In fact I regularly communicate with all my buddies all over the country using SMS. I can also send/receive SMS from ICQ, which is pretty, cool feature.
The scheme I had in the beginning is Executive. The rates go down during night and incoming rates are half the outgoing rate. Daytime outgoing rate is Rs.6.00 per min. After 10:00 pm outgoing Rs.3.00 only and incoming Rs.1.00.
In between I also took night chat wherein I pay 125/- pm for incoming airtime charge free between 10pm to 6am
Now I have changed to Airtel Edge. Rates have come down to half. Rs. 2.50 per min for both incoming and outgoing. I pay 275/- pm month as fix charge. I also got a dependent SIM card free.(no deposit or activation charge). Of course I have to pay to use it.