I have been an AirtelMumbai post paid subscriber for the past 3 years
and tend to disagree with most of the negative comments. Maybe because
I enjoy assistance of a Relationship manager who washes all my dirty
linen and does not make me go through the rigours of calling 121 and
waiting endlessly.
Anyways this review is of a very unknow service offered by AIrtel
called Airtel Easy Mail.
I was contemplating selling my nokia N70 & buying a nokia E50 so that I
could make use of Airtels Blacberry connect facility. The only thing
that deterred me was the promise made to my wife that I wouldnot sell
my N70 atleast till October 2007. Since constant email reach was a
criteria, I was using my N70 inbuilt email over GPRS, which was okay
but not realtime as a blackberry device.
On my way back home from Chandigarh, I happen to see BPL mobiles Push
email service advert. and wondered whether Airtel also would be having
something like this.
After a few days logged on to Airtel.co.in and to my greatest surprise,
they did have a push mail service and that too for limited Nokia S60
models and yes.my N70 was listed.
Now they have 2 versions: The enterprise ed. and the individual ed.
For me it was the individual ed. Went through the details and immediately d/l the*.sis file required for
my phone.Called up my airtel man to activate the service, but his no.
was busy. Just out of curiosity went ahead with the installation and
was all set in 3 minutes flat.Without even my service getting activated
I started receiving emails on my N70 in real time(maybe since it is
free till March end).
Cost: GPRS subscription Rs 399/month+ Airtel easy mail
subscription: Rs 299/month(free for 1 month)
There is a d/l limit in mb for both GPRS and AEM.
Advantages: No need for a Blackberry device. Real time email delivery,
Disadv.: Sent mails donot get saved. You have to cc to yourself to keep a copy. Only 1 pop email id can be setup. No chance of multiple email id. GPRS is constantly on, so a big battery drainer.
Another advantage is that you can pause the service when in office, so that emails are d/ld on your desktop, where as once you leave office you can resume service on your phone. If mail is d/ld in your phone, it also d/ls in your outlook, but if you d/l in outlook, it will not d/l on your phone(you can choose to let messages remain on server after d/l to get it at both places).