Airtel customer care is pathetic. I had a postpaid corporate connection in Pune. I got transfered to Bangalore hence I had to close the Pune connection. I made the pending amount payment and mailed to customer care as instructed by the person in the Airtell office (i was told that closure request are accepted only online).
They finally closed the number after one month and I was charged for that month also. Even after deducting those charges they have not yet returned my deposite amount. I have followed up with them with more than 10 reminders and every time I got the answer that cheque will be sent to my address in 15 days. I have given them my address twice, sent repeated reminders but nothing worked out. I have even escalted the case to the nodal officers(2), which was escaltion point as per thier website.
But I guess the entire Airtell team is in deep sleep. Its almost 9 months and I have not received my deposite (may be this is new way of raising money). I was a loyal customer of Airtel and was using airtel for about 5 years and never defaulted for the bill payment. I am extremely upset with Airtell and would never buy or suggest airtel to any one. Total pathetic customer care and sick service. Hope they wake up soon before its too late.