I have been using Airtels prepaid service since the last 6 years( 2007) . I purchased a new phone in 2013 and found that my balance was being deducted 3 paise to 10 paise every few hours. I called customer service and she told me to disable restrict background data, and that the deductions are because of the phone logging onto the data service. This did not help with the problem. I even disabled Auto Sync. I have disabled my 3G and 2G plans as I mostly use WIFI in office and at home.
I dint need the same during my commute between these places. I have mobile data off, created a dummy access point with dummy parameters and set that as my main access point. The amount of 10 paise is still deducted by Airtel. As no services have a price of 10 paise and I also do not have a caller tune set why is this amount being deducted. As long as I have Mobile Data off why does Airtel charge for the same. I have noticed that a lot of other customers also have these problems as present on this portal.
I sent a mail to airtelpresence@in.airtel.com and have still not had this resolved. I did get a confirmation that they have received the mail. Airtel is a good service provider but these underhanded practices make them look cheap. Hoping to get this resolved ASAP.