I used Airtel for about 3 months. In these two months I had to call them over 100 times. I wanted to voice mail service. Every time I call them, they simply try to give me the instructions. With lots of patience I tried to listen to them. None of them know how to make the voice mail work. They asked me to go to Touchtell communications in Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad so that their technical staff can resolve the issue. I went to touchtell communications.
I told them that I dont have any faith in Airtel that they can resolve the voice mail issue. Technician at Touchtell communications told me that he has access to their technical department and he will make the voice mail work in about a week. I waited for one week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks no resolution from them. Finally when I insisted that I need the voice mail, he told me that they have a glich and it takes a week or two to resolve it. When I finally escalated this issue, I got a call from their technical department. I am very confident that they also dont know if the voice mail feature works for anyone. I told them that I am planning to go overseas and I dont want to miss any of my calls. Person from the Airtels technical department didnt even bother to contact me. I have to call them all the time. Customer service people tells me that they cant forward my call to the technical department folks. Finally I fed up with their service. I decided not to use their service any more.
During this process, When I call the customer service, I give them all the details they want. All of a sudden, I lose the connection. They dont even bother to call back the customer.
Lots of my friends told me that they were some weird messages indicating that they is no mobile connection with my number. After dealing with their customer service so many times, I decided not to give my business to Airtel any more.
I dont consider Airtel is a leader in the mobile communications when they cant even provide a very simple service.