I have taken a prepaid connection from a dealer in bangalore. After one month, my outgoing is blocked. I went to the Airtel office, submitted the relevant documents again but still no change. I have escalated the issue to the Nodal office; they gave some timelines; yet no change. I was following up with Airtel customer care for 10 days but there was no communication from them. They hardly bothered to solve the issue. Finally the number is blocked and I have escalated the issue to the next level - Appellatte office; still no luck.
The customer care dont know anything other thanEnglish. They dont have a process at all.
I requested every person I spoke to, to solve it as I was using for my career purpose.
Thanks to Airtel. I have bought MENTAL TORTURE with my own money.
Suggestion: Whenever you buy a sim, please ask for customer copy and also keep a track of the reference numbers(after speaking to customer care you get messages quoting the ref num). These will help you in case you want to go to the consumer court.