I was using Airtel Delhi services till today. The services really sucks big time though to be fair it was quite good till about 4 months back and I had actually recommended Airtel to many of my friends who give me ugly stares nowadays. Two of them I know have shifted to Dolphin connection from MTNL Anyway getting back to Airtel, they seem to have got more subscribers than they can handle. More than 75 percent of my calls are dropped. The automated All lines are currently busy has started to get on to my nerves. It took me an hour just to recharge my prepaid call since each time I tried recharging, the vile automated voice (AV) told me This service is temporary unavailable... please try later. The customer services is really nerve wracking. The AV tells you to keep pressing various numbers for options till you are completely lost
From today I am switching over to my new Reliance phone where though the operators are crooks, the voice clarity is quite good and fewer number of dropped calls