Pathetic service served as gift for 8 years of loyalty . I have always been a very loyal customer towards airtel be it advising my friends to switch to airtel or be it myself changing all my family members mobile numbers to Airtel . I have 9 phone numbers from airtel and also broad band connection, I have been an airtel customer since it was known as JTM mobile, and one of my family member moved out of town so instead of canceling the number I went ahead and changed it to pre paid and still using it and this was done in May and I was promised that I will receive the deposit money by check in 30 days and I have still not received it, and then one another had to be changed to pre paid from postpaid and so I went ahead and cleared all due on that number and changed it to prepaid and with in 3 days I was charged again for the dues which I had already cleared it and this happen on 20th of this month and I had cleared all my dues on 18th of this month, I called Airtel and told them about it on the same day they told me that it is not reflecting in there so call out dated records and asked me to call back after 48 hrs I had spoke to an agent called Ravi and he also managed to give me a wrong case reference number so I called back and the next agent also said that the charge is not reflecting in their records and asked to call back again after 48 hrs I got angry about it asked to talk to a manager and so I spoke to a manager called Murugan he gave me the same crap and offerd me to call back next day with updates but he failed to call next day and so I called back again after 48 hrs and spoke to a nodal officer called Ayesha and she told me that she do heaven and earth and get the issue fixed and again the standard wait time of 48 hrs and so no replies from Airtel then all of a sudden I receive a mail that they have give a refund of the extra charge to my mobile number … No the fun part if I have changed my mobile number from post paid to pre paid why the hell would I want airtel to refund the amount to my prepaid number is that like a recharge of a huge amount what a crap I called them back I speak to another nodal officer called Deepak he places me mute instead of hold and that too for long time well Airtel it is … so he comes back with a new statement this time says that the refund has been already done on 23rd of this month and I tell Deepak that there has been no refund and I take a screen shot of my bank statement and send it to them as advised by previous manager and Deepak tells me that the screen shot that I sent him is only till 20th and the refund was done on 23rd and so I tell him that if there is no transition done on a particular date that date does not reflect in the statement and Deepak tell me the same thing again that the refund is already done I give him an example of he himself using a debit card and checking the statement if it will show him the dates on which he has not used the card he agrees that I would not show but again comes back to the same point that the refund I done already …… the literal meaning I am telling him a lie with a proof that says that I am telling a truth … ha ha ha . and above that deepak asks me to walk in to the airtel office for clarifications as if he will be there to clarify my issue …. after all this experience I am thinking of disconnecting all my airtel numbers and for my luck I can have the same number migrated to any other better service provider . Thanks to air tel they ate my money and they lost my loyalty . and they lost business from 10 services that they were providing me .