I have recently got my airtel (DELHI) prepaid converted into postpaid number. And Surprisingly I met with a shock !!!
Customer care suddenly became rude and started giving false promises.
I have paid for national roaming but still I am unable to get it activated.
Airtel does recognises my payment but they simply are not activating the service. There is a procedural problem on their end and they are making me suffer.
Worst of all the customer service is making fun of clients by BLUFFING them.
One of the superviser told me tha the realises the fault and is activationg the service rightaway. But to my Utter Surprise when I re-confirmed I found that the service is not active.
This service is not approved !!
Please do not subscribe to AIRTEL.
These types of problems have been faced by many of my friends. And they are equally frustated by the whole thing.
The worst part for the customer is HE/SHE has no other place to complain but to customer SERVICE which gives a Damn to whatever you complain.
This is just one of the incidence which I am quoting.
Another one happened with the MASALA service activation
I had asked for its activation. For which I was promised 48 hrs. And 72 hrs passed and I didnt get it activated. They again took the request. Still I couldnt get it.
Nobody told me that I need to recieve the settings by SMS a key word.
It came to me as a SHOCK.
I dont understand why they have created customer care. If they cant HELP US.
This Service is going down badly.