I am using my Airtel connection from past 2 years & recently migrated from Pre-paid to Post-paid plan as suggested by a Marketing Executive. I did so because he advised me that he could get various facilities like Airtel to Airtel 600 minutes free talk time, 200 free A-A SMS….all these & more for a low monthly rental of Rs.249/-.
My problem started when I tried calling the Customer service, the call actually landed on to Pre-paid department instead of going to Post-paid….So by this I did understand that I was not completely migrated to Post-paid. I gave a complaint regarding this but nothing was done for a few days, but after few days a lady named Sudrashini called me & advised that the complaint has been resolved….So I was very happy that I could at last speak to the Customer service & resolve all my issues but when tried calling the call again landed on to prepaid dept. So had to cal them again & I did call & placed one more complaint & it took 3 days for them to rectify it and now its working fine today i.e., on 27th June whereas my postpaid sim connection was activated on 12th June.
Moreover I got to know that we would get basic facilities like Call-conferencing(Up to 5 People at a time) etc…by default when you take the Hutch connection, but in Airtel it seems that you have to get a letter from your CEO or any other responsible person to get it activated….I don’t know why these people ever need a letter from the CEO just to active a silly Conference service when they are charging the same price of 2 calls when you confer with 2 persons at a time????....& Hutch also gives all these facilities plus 600 H-H free talk time & free SMS @ a low monthly rental of Rs.200/- if you request them to…under TALK 249 MM Special. But despite being promised by the Marketing person I have not yet got all these facilities activated till now…