PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! Dont go for AIRTEL because I am suffering a lot. I just want to use GPRS facility which is Rs. 12 per day. there are many flaws in their system.
- You can not deactivated it before 24 Hrs. if u want ot use it just for a day then u have to pay Rs. 24.
Its huge wake up AIRTEL people beacuseIDEA is giving GPRS just for Rs.5/- Per day.
- They created a flaw in deactivating GPRS system so u will easily activate GPRS but cant
deactivate it by sending SMS so they will deduct u r AMT. forcefully.
- STAFF is so arrogant & not co-operative they will not solve u r any problem.
if u want ot have a experience the pl. visit @ Vega Centre, pune. u will have a worst experience.
I know 100s of people who are get cheated by AIRTEL.
I think AIRTEL management hired the full STAFF from SLUM area.