I cant believe Im writing this review! But Ive been forced to do so because apparently Airtel cant even manage something as simple as updating my email ID in their records!!!
But I noticed that I was still getting my mobile statements in my old email ID. So last month, I finally mailed 121@airtelindia.com about it. They said that as per their records, my email ID was updated correctly so I should not have any further problem. See email snippet below:
---- Forwarded Message ----
From: "121@airtelindia.com"
To: (old)@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, 9 April, 2009 3:38:11 PM
Dear Mr. Padiyar,
Thank you for contacting Airtel.
You have expressed concern over the statements sent to your email address (old)@yahoo.com instead of the updated email address (new)@yahoo.com for your Airtel number 98454.
We understand your concern and will work towards resolving the same.
We would like to inform you that the email address (new)@yahoo.com is already updated in our records** and hence forth the bill would be delivered to the updated email address.
For further assistance, mail us at 121@airtelindia.com.
We value your association with Airtel.
Warm regards
Dhanasekar V
Customer Care Executive
Bharti Airtel Limited
Have feedback to share about your e-mail interaction with us?
Please visit https://airtel.in
Dial *121# (toll free) from your mobile and get instant information for your Prepaid or Postpaid Account on your Mobile Screen.
---------Original Message----------
From: (old)@yahoo.com
To: 121@airtelindia.com
Sent: 08/04/2009 15:29:40
Subject: Re: Your Airtel Bill for Account Number: 105-, Bill Date: 07-Apr-2009
Despite having updated my email address to (new)@yahoo.com on Airtel website for my number 98454 you are still sending me my statements on this email address. I don t understand what is the problem. Why is my updated email address not reflecting yet?
Kindly look into this.
Vijay Padiyar
But lo and behold, again this month I have received my statement in my old email ID!!! Well, what can I say! If they cant even manage something as basic as this, I wonder how they will handle more complicated issues??
In any case, getting support isnt that easy! When I tried to use their online support form at https://airtel.in, I got an error after submitting my problem that went like this "Your complaint could not be processed! Please try again later." And when I responded to their email above, I got two "delivery failure notification" emails, but also got an auto-acknowledgement email! Some other examples of poor performance:
Case 1: Nowadays their network quality has also gone down the drain. There are so many subscribers in Bangalore that many times one has to try multiple times to make a call or send a SMS. And many times the signal strength is very poor, even in prime areas.
Case 2: Two years back, I once walked into the Koramangala 80 Feet Road Airtel showroom (opp. Levis showroom) to enquire about some procedure. After hearing the explanation, I agreed and asked for the form. The lady said that they didnt have the form. I got irritated and said "how come you dont have the form?" To this, the franchise owner sitting next to her got really wild and started hurling all sorts of obscene abuses at me! I was totally shocked! I never expected this kind of disproportionate response at a customer, that too from a private companys franchisee!
I wish I had recorded it on my mobile then. I would have forwarded it to news channels and tought that guy a lesson! I will remember this next time someone acts smart.
UPDATE: 10 June, 2009
I cant believe it! Its happened the third time in a row, despite TWO EMAILS from Airtel customer care stating it will not happen again! For the third time, I have received my mobile statement on my old email ID AFTER I raised a support ticket to ask them why it wasnt updated!
See my latest email to them:
----- Forwarded Message ----
To: 121@airtelindia.com
Sent: Wednesday, 10 June, 2009 1:08:07 AM
Subject: Re: YOUR AIRTEL BILL FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER: 105-, BILL DATE: 07-APR-2009. This month (for the THIRD TIME) I have received my mobile statement (dated 9 June, 2009) on my old email ID, despite TWO MAILS from you stating that it is updated and henceforth the statement will not come on this mail ID (see below).
This kind of stupidity is unparalleled in my memory! I have never seen a number one company struggling to update an email ID! I have posted details of this experience on Mouthshut.com. Please see here:
*Vijay Padiyar
From: "121@airtelindia.com"
Sent: Saturday, 9 May, 2009 6:36:22 PM
Dear Mr. Padiyar,
Thank you for contacting Airtel. *We understand from your previous interaction, you had expressed concern over the receipt of invoices in the old Email ID for your Airtel mobile number 98454. We understand your concern and will work towards to resolving the same. Kindly be informed that the Email ID (new)@yahoo.com has been once again rested in our records and hence forth, all the Ebills would be sent to the Email ID (old)@yahoo.com with in 8 days from the bill date.