Nothing on this planet can be worse that this shitty company called Airtel. They are going down, somehow Mittal is pouring money and keeping it alive, but I am sure I will see the demise of this company in my lifetime very soon just like spice and other dacoits.
To start with, they are a bunch of cheats. 90% of time server is down. employs a bunch of high school dropouts in their call centers who cant speak a full sentence in English. In Bangalore I call CC and get a fellow out there who starts off in Kannada, then when urged to speak English will at the best give u broken sentences which will make absolutely no sense. No email contact. Oh my God! they drive me complete nuts.
I was very happy with Aircel, they were super professional people, unfortunately they dont have now coverage where I live, so had to take another new number.
Get charged for sms randomly even though I never send any sms.