I am an airtel user since 3 years. I was offered a corporate plan from airtel . The plan required a change from my prepaid connection to postpaid one. Although I was well satisfied with my prepaid connection I liked the postpaid offer and decided to take it up. The airtel representative had offered a `399 zero rental plan`. The details were as mentioned in the plan as on the site apart from the clause that STD call as well as the messages will be included in the 399 calling value which was later found to be untrue. Assuming this was a corporate connection and some extra facilities would be provided in lieu of that, I assumed that would be true for this offer. But after the first bill, I found it was not the case and I tried to contact the representative but the contact number no longer existed. On contacting the airtel people, I was told that the concerned person had left the company (some said he was fired) and no such benefits existed. He had also mentioned that I could revert back to my prepaid connection anytime which was also untrue as there is a minimum 3 months period for the same. Now a bill was generated out of which pepaid balance was considered and some amount was remaining. Since I did not want to continue with the postpaid connection because of these issues, I decided to pay up the rather minimal amount at the settlement of the accounts when my number was to be reverted back to prepaid. At the generation of the next bill, I found some misfitting items for which I lodged a complaint with airtel . I was told by the customer care official at that time that I need not pay the bill till the problem is fixed and my outgoing will not be barred, hence I did not pay up again. I did not get any updated regarding the problem so, I called up for the status of the problem myself but I was only given excuses by a different customer care official at that time. Hence, no longer wanting to argue and struggle I paid up the bill but again my incoming and outgoing calls were disconnected as the cheque had not been cleared by then. I urgently needed the phone that time and hence I tried calling up airtel with someones prepaid number but could not get to the postpaid deptt. Also, I contacted the airtel representative (who has taken over the charge at sunils place) for some help but I was refused. I did not know what to do and it was a horrible time. I feel deeply wounded by the system and a huge breach of trust on the talks and promises that happen between the customer care people and the customers. I feel there were errors in bill generation and offers for which airtel was responsible, but I as a customer had to pay up a price which is not acceptable. My outgoing was barred without any notice for which I talked to the airtel customer care who had apologized for the same and promised that it would not happen again without a notice. But again, my incoming as well as outgoing calls were barred without any notice. Now the heights of it all is that after all the accounts were settled and the phone was back in action. The very next day , my number ceased to exist. On contacting airtel they said that it was a technical error and they would rectify it soon. After facing such issues , I would strongly recommend against airtel postpaid connections as the customer has absolutely no control on his number. They connect and disconnect at their own discretion and errors. Also no warning is issued prior to disabling the number. The customer care officials are also no help as they are only apologising most of the times which does not help much.