After doing a mobile port from Vodafone to Airtel, I was under the impression that things will be better for me as a customer. However, this does not seem to be true. The customer service center with Airtel, is outsourced and they are VERY VERY BAD, please note, if you are upset with them, you are damaging your own body. The level of English is very very poor and they are not trained well.
You are already reading this review since you are NOT happy with AIrtel or planning to take a new Airtel connection. Even after reading this and thousand of unhappy customers, you should know that Airtel will cause you lot of issues and you will remember MouthShut and this review.. All the best!
I certify that this is my honest, personal review based on my own experience.
If you looking to use Airtel, just understand that you are going to be dealing with POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.