I have been using airtels mobile services for over 6 years now. They have been quite good until an year or so before. Their customer service had been quite good with seemingly qualified people at their contact center, but off late everything about them seems to be spiralling downwards.
For the past few months I have been constantly receiving junk messages from them(from the number 54321) and am being charged for it though I have not subscribed to any of the services provided by this number.
I have made several calls to their contact center(which incidentally costs money now if you want to talk to who they callcustomer care executives). The calls are invariable picked up by someone absolutely clueless who has no idea what to do or what is going on. After much convincing they either tell me that I am not subscribed to any service or that they will unsubscribe me from the service and put back the deducted money into my account.
I have constantly been receiving Job Alerts(totally irrelevant to my job role and interest) and Jokes(most of which will want to make you cry) for a couple of months now. I am not sure if this is some kind of ploy by Airtel to up their sales and fleece unwary subscribers or is it plain unprofessionalism on their part. Either ways I dont want to be party to this nonsense and am hoping someone will look into this and set things right.
The issue remains unresolved to this day.