Since last 3 years am using corporate postpaid connection from Airtel. But after changing my company it was really a nightmare to change the corporate plan from previous organization to new organization. The more worst part of it is even after 4 months its not been rectified completely. I had given hundreds of complaints to customer care as well as wrote several mails to them but so far Ive got only promises that itll be corrected soon. Although it was a CUG plan but they keep charging me for all the calls between CUG numbers. After making so many complaints finally it got recitified but other problem started. it was like never ending story.
Still am fighting with them to rectify the older bills but have not received any thing from them so far.
I do not know how I would be able to resolve my problem and not sure what to do now. But one thing issure. Airtel sucks. This is the worst customer service I have everexperienced from any company in my lifetime. Not just about thecustomer support, they deceive and ransack their customers to maximumextent. money suckers!