Dear All,
I am a customer of Airtel from last 4 Years in Karnataka Circle. Last year I migrated to the Post paid Scheme of airtel the story of migration is as follows. When I was a Pre paid customer I used get calls from Airtel call centers for this migration usually I avoids it. But in that special day one sweet lady called me and informed me that there is a special plan available where the retail is at 150 .
I thought that this workout cheaper for me when compared to Prepaid. Also she offered me STD free of deposit. And also she told me that there is NO deposit for connection. Finally I agreed to take a connection.
Next day one guy came to my office to take my documents. He demanded Rs 500 as deposit I dont have any other option other than paying the money.. some how I got fooled by the promises they gave. As per him my new connection will be activated in 24 Hrs but after 48 Hrs also my new number doesnt came to life. After calling Airtel CC 5 times finally at the end of 50th Hr my mobile got connected to N/w. Next day I got a call from Airtel saying that Masala is free for me ...I activated that also.
Then comes the question of STD actually I want to inform my native about my new no I tried of calling my Land line no in Kerala... I was expecting a ringing tone but unfortunately I heard a sweet voice saying that No STD facility available please call airtel customer care Ok I called them as the sweet voice said and I told all my concerns to the Royal staff of AIRTEL .
I got a message meaning SORRY CONNECTION IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR YOU .... YOU HAVE TO MAKE Rs 3000 to get this in Hi fi English... I decided to not to go for that.... Next comes the roaming ..again I got a call from airtel saying that there is a special roaming program where you need not have to pay any additional fees. With lot of happiness I joined the plan..
Actually I was trusting Airtel so I didnt check my detailed bill ...but after 4 mths I accidentally went through my ebill there I saw that they added monthly rental for roamming also... as usual I called customer care and I got the information that there will be a monthly fee.....also insted of monthly rental of 150 as per Airtel I got a bill for 150+50 (CLI)+Tax - Min commitment
So what is my advice to all of you is: Dont go for a Post Paid connection , that will make a hol in your pocket... Since the network is good take a Pre Paid connection of airtel. Till now I am in Post Paid Plan and I am getting an average bill of 1300/Mth. Also dont take any decisions before you ask completely about new plans. Better go for BSNL Pre Paid