Iam a Bhart airtel subscriber for the last 3 years and it has been a mixed experience. I hav highlighted the good and ok experiences.
. well if u use airtel connection u must b aware that everyday u must b receivin smss sayin
"sms to 121 to get your personalized hello tune absolutely free" now even as I write this review I hear my mobile vibratin n I guess it is the same message.
well a lot of ppl like me hav thought that this is so wonderful n nice of airtel to give me a free hello tune. i even sent smses to 121. then wen i received my monthly bill I saw no. like 735, 737 n I was wonderin who on earth has used my cellphone to send smses to such nos. I even shouted n yelled at all at home for misusin my cellphone.
then I called 121, talked to a person in their call center n he tells me that even if I jus opened airtel live but dont get any service I gotta pay Rs.3
this is a really clever way of money-makin n even if a mobile phone doesnt hav gprs facility n even if the user cant avail of a service from airtel, he has to pay for it.
I really dont know how many subscribers would hav lost their hard earned money to airtel n I guess this is the worst conncetion 1 can get. nowadays I cant get the signal too. I didnt call 121 their so called "24hour customer helpline" b cos they complicate matters for me. they give suggestions like "change ur residence to a place near our tower" or "go outside ur flat n u will get the signal"
this is ridiculous isnt it. but all airtel users will agree with me.
here is a somethin good I feel I must tell u. I oce recd. a ssms saying "pay 100rs more and get I thik 200rs talktime free." I really dont know how they gotta feelin I need this plan, most probablt my dad would hav confused them and told them ok to avail this service. my dad claims that he didnt say yes to this. then I think it would hav been some misunderstandin.i dont use even 199rs talktime com[pletely. n that month I got a heavy 300rs bill. my dad spoke to their helpline n told them he never knew our plan got upgraded. then I seriously didnt believe wen my dad told me airtel had refunded the extra 100rs. but thats the truth.
if its all abt. signal, I m not satisfied with airtel nowadays but then I hav no other problems today after three years.well lemme tell u that reviews aim to help other ppl know about a service and are not entertainment sources.