I bought an HTC Touch Phone which comes locked with Airtel connection. So I had to buy an Airtel Lifetime free connection which I did 1.5 months back after I bought the phone.Now I intended to use it only for surfing the net. Last few days, I downloaded around 200-300 MB of data for some 5-6 hours.
Airtel cleverly disabled my GPRS access. I registered a lot of complaints but they were of no use. After some days I found that the GPRS access had been disabled only when I try to surf the internet from my home. When I move to another cell, I can access freely.
I complained this again to Airtel. Now they have disabled my access to customer service 121 and also *123# (for knowing your balance).
This is a big harassment. When I called up AIRTEL office from my landline, the customer care representative told me that if I want to go to court to complain, I can.
Just see Airtels attitude towards customers :)
I must say that behind all that wonderful advertisements is hidden the ugly face of Airtel. They dont care for customers.