I am using Airtel Magic (pre-paid) (Phone# 98402 12128) from the last 6 months. One day one tele marketer called from Airtel office and offered me Touchtel phone connection (without deposit) free if I switch to post-paid connection. At that time I want a land phone connection at my residence, so I thought this option is very good and asked them to come down to my office for further discussions. At the time of discussion they told me 3 things.
- Touchtel phone connection free (without deposit).
I asked about Touchtel phone connection at my Guindy (an area in chennai) Residence, they said Touchtel coverage is at Gunidy and we can install in a weeks time.
- Incoming and Outgoing free from 3 phone nos (one local, one STD and one ISD nos).
I told them that my wife is having RPG connection, can I include her number in my list, they accepted for that
- STD facility on my cell phone without deposit.
For this they asked me give photo copy of my Office Identity Card, which I gave immediately, they said it will take 3days for activation of STD facility
After 5 days my post paid connection was established with the same no, without STD facility. After regular follow up they sent me a coupon for Touchtel phone connection. I went to Touchtel office to get phone instrument, then they asked my residence address. After that they said Touchtel presence is there at Only One Apartment Complex!!!! doesnt cover whole area and they may cover that area by March 2003.
I lost hopes ever getting Touchtel phone connection at my residence. To my horror they informed that they cannot include my wifes (RPG phone) number to my Free Incoming and Outgoing list. Still I havent got my STD facility on my cell phone because of some xyz reasons at Airtel.
Finally I decided to visit Airtels customer care center. After explaining all my difficulties they simply blamed the tele marketer and they said Airtel is NOT responsible for their tele marketers promise .
I decided finally to close the account with Airtel. I applied for BSNL phone connection and looking forward to use Cell-One. In this farse I lost Rs. 500/- (activation charges) and off course Airtel is not going pay me back.
I want to caution everybody, beware of Tele Marketers and their tricks and traps.