I dont understand what is not clear here. If I am getting this kind of generic response from nodal office and appellate authority without clear understanding of the problem then god saves airtel.
Kindly answer below bullet points rather then sending generic emails.
I ported 2 numbers 9620370890 & 9620623270 I opted for the same plan which is 600 Min of local & STD free+ I GB of 3g data free.
I believe that 962062370 has got correct plan, but some incorrect plan been activated on 9620370890. when I raised this complaint your executive told me to activate 2G Plan for few days until they resolve the issue and until I get 3G services on my number(same plan as 9620623270)
3. your executive clearly told me the charges for 2G plan will be reversed in the next bill. He told me that it would not be possible to reverse a very big amount for internet usage charge hence I asked them to activate 2G plan for few days.
- you people have asked for my company ID to look into the matter.(I don;t why), I have provided you that now.
5.My subject line is very clear "Cheated by airtel executive". which means to say that I did not get what was comitted to me in written by airtel sales person. If you want the facts I can forward you sales person email ID.
Now, you are telling me the details about my existing plan and resolving this issue at all, These kind of emails are generic which doesnt talk about the problem.
When you are saying no 3G services are available for my plan, then may I know the reason why it is not there on 9620370890 where as it is there on 9620623270.
Both the number should have the same plan with 600 Mins local and 1 GB of 3G data in 299. If it is not there then make that happen.
And off course, please reverse all the internet usage charge in the past. Since, it was goof up from airtel and not from me.
I hope this time english is clear, ask is simple and you would be able to understand.