It is very evident that the as far as the recommendation ratings on MS goes Airtel is not really a preferred network.
Yet ironically it is the second most popular mobile network in the country following the much cheaper and maybe hidden costs ridden Reliance.
This review is for Airtel Mumbai.
Have been using this network since the last 10 months or so.
And in true sense have not really been unhappy with it so far.
Yes, Airtel does have its negative points which I will list shortly but there is no denying the fact that as far as I can see, the positives outweigh the negatives.
The PLUS POINTS of Airtel, Mumbai
1) The network is well connected though out the city.
2) Airtel provides various goodie packs. The prominent ones are the Rs 30/- SMS night pack in which all local and national sms are charged at a paltry 30 p between 2300hrs and 800 hrs.
The bill plans are also flexible.
3) The GPRS service is fast and responsive.
4) The network is comparatively less congested as compared to Orange or the pathetic Dolphin network.
5) The bills are usually accurate and timely dispatched. Moreover the Standing Instructions on the Credit card gives further discount on the bill and is very convenient.
6) New schemes are intimated at regular intervals.
7) The voice clarity is better as compared to other networks in Mumbai.
1) The Airtel people certainly believe that one should talk in open spaces.
The network loses its steam in closed areas like lifts and underground shops.
2) The service is often out-sourced. The employees of these out-sourced agencies are pathetic. They do not have your details and expect you to furnish them with details regarding your bill plan, address etc. Best is to avoid them at all costs.
3) The call center executives at times are very slow in responding. And during the hold period, you hear the KBC promo again and again. How Boring!
4) The promo offers are many times dispatched at all odd times, sometimes harassing you no end.
5) The Airtel Pre paid service is expensive. Go for the Post Paid service.
Hope you have found the review of some help.
Do comment on the same.