I have got Airtel prepaid # 9632248360 on 9/Jan/2009(or 10th Jan). Havesubmitted all required documents(PAN card copy for photo identity proof, BSNL land line bill for address proof and latest photo) with it.
Number started working from 10/Jan/2009(or 11/Jan). I was able to makeand receive calls. However airtel have debarred calls from 27/Jan withfollowing SMS.
"Dear customer, we are unable to verify ur address, listed with us.Since verification is mandatory as per Govt rules, your calls will be barredtoday"
I have logged a complaint on 27/Jan it self(which, Airtel customer careat 9845012345 told, will get resolved by 30/Jan 3PM. not resolved by then.i further called and customer care assured me it will get resolved by 31/Jan3PM. not resolved by then. I further called and customer care assuredme it will get resolved by 3/Feb 3PM. not resolved by then. I further calledand customer care assured me it will get resolved by 4/Feb 3PM.
on 6/Feb, It stopped showing airtel network itself. I went to airteloffice(near Jaydeva flyover, Bennarghatta Road) and Spoke to your customercare representative. She told methat my # is dis-activated on 5/Feb and can not be activated again. Shetold me that it was done so as I have not submitted document. When I mentionedthat airtel have not informed me clearly and SMS do not list anyaction for me. she could not explain to me real reason for doing that.first 1) she told me since I have not submitted document, they have dis-activatedSIM, then 2) she told me since my # is debarred, all records for that aredeleted and she can not tell me real reason for dis-activating. then 3)she told me that upon verification, airtel found that # is being used bysomeone else, airtel have dis-activated SIM.
however this # is used by me only and there was no verification done byairtel. she also told me that I should have complaint to customer careand when I mentioned that I have done that on 27/Jan already. she deniedto accept that.
PATHETICis only word that comes to my mind.