One particular thought which is recurrent in my mind as I
cross thousands of people, building, banners and hoardings on my way to a
certain destination every morning is,
"When God created this
colourful world did he have an idea that advertisers will be his true angels
who will recreate the whole world and make it more creative, e innovative and
colourful?" – nah… I don’t think so. But I truly believe that they
do. And advertising is not just about this.
Today I prefer watching an advertisement over watching the so called
"Breaking News" of news channels, for the simple reasons that they
entertain and inform me about a product.
But are ads only about Why we should buy what? Nope. "Good
advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind
with desires and beliefs."
Talking only about Indian advertising industry, it has evolved phenomenally at
a fast pace over the past few years owing to an increase in the forms of media
and communication and the emergence of new distribution channels.
Agencies are doing a money-spinning job because now they have realized
"what’s on our mind" more than that "what’s in our heart".
But what instigated to write a review is the popular an Airtel advertisement,
which is on air and has already touched millions of heart. And every kid is
busy calling their dads office and checking if he can help them with
"Papa drawing karni hain" – Yes this punch line just brings a
smile to my face and my roommates know, they have to wait to switch on any
other channel till the commercial gets over.
This new Airtel advertisement is a beautiful work by Rediffusion | DYR.
The film opens with a little girl waiting for her father. Her father, a railway
engineer, is seen busy working on a site. She calls him up and says,
"Papa, drawing karni hai." He asks her to come on the
balcony and look towards the sky. "Wow! Itne saare
dots, " says the girl looking at the stars. He then asks her to make a line
from one "dot" to another. Following the instructions on the phone,
the girl draws a picture of a whale and other shapes. As the signature tune of
Airtel plays, the voiceover concludes: "Kuch bandhan atoot hote hain,
jaise Airtel ka network."
What makes this particular ad a winner? Airtel is about ’communication’
that surpasses all barriers like distance - which is physical, boundaries or
emotional difference. But nothing beats the importance of a parent being there
for his child at all times. To see him or her grow fulfill every single wish…
this ad plays on the fathers guilt for not being there and how Airtel plays the
advertisement in bringing him to the drawing room where the child is.
Why Using a Kid? An ad that pulls the heart strings is a clear winner.
And what more than a kid to do the same, from the Dhara ad to Johnson’s baby to
the recent hutch ad the child is the mascot to target the adults… aptly termed
as KIF – Kid Influence Factor.
For a child her father is a biggest hero, remember "my daddy strongest
ad?" At no point does the father want to fall in the eyes of the
child and will do anything to earn her love. Especially adding to the
point, a girl child for whom the Dad is a superhero who can manage anything
anywhere at any time. The Baby girl child used in the commercial portrays a
longing of an innocent child, waiting for her dad to be home helping her with
her drawings. The sweet innocence and the carefree demeanor with which she
calls up her dad to help him draw is something which made me long for my long
lost childhood.Even the "totli bhasha" , which is essential
with every growing up kid appears like a tinkle of bell to my ears. And the
father who knows that in the end of the day he is the savior or hero of the
most important female of his life, draws lines against the stars to make a
perfect picture. Hence being the perfect dad he is always.The punch
line: "Dad will never fail me and so will not Airtel" .That is
the insight that the ad has taken.
Will people remember this advertisement ? Yes and No. Yes because with
the reality of today’s work–life, parents rarely see their children, a cell
phone/ telephone is what binds them (I still connect with my dad on moments
those are precious through a cellphone from last 10 years). It’s become an
important boon. It will surely remind people that Airtel is intrinsic to their
lives. At the same time there is so much conscious effort to add a child in every
story to make it emotional, which scares me if people will ignore it as just
another kid commercial. But if we go by favorable opinion of Indian consumer
they haven’t resented the ad yet. It certainly isn’t a fresh idea but the
execution is.And hence makes me believe a that it would turn out as a sure
shot winner.
Where are the superstars missing? You will surely see the stars in this
ad but not our superstars anymore. Initially, when the Airtel ads started on
air they focused on star power right from Shahrukh to Karishma to Kareena and
Sachin for endorsement of their brand. But it dint work in their favour as it
was looking as another star endorsing a brand. People used to focus on the star
more than the product. Indian consumers has grown mature enough with time if
you have to hold their attention you have to think out-of-the-box.
Probably Airtel realized that when they came up with A. R. Rahman’s
signature tune for their brand in 2002, which they continue to use till date.
About the fact that fresh looking common people are used in ads is because the
industry has woken up to the fact that they have to tell a story their audience
can connect with, and is not far removed from the reality. We are beginning to
appreciate things that are real and more acceptable. The society doesn’t need
gloss and glamour all the time. It is the clutter breaking in the midst of all
ads looking and feeling like the same… You should watch the dove campaign which
is about real beauty they took real people with no make up. So the trend is
also there, u know.
Why Airtel still connects with the consumer’s mind? Airtel has held to
the nerve of Indian consumer and the clearly understands the fact that Indians
need their dosage of emotions every day, but in different forms. That’s why
Airtel came up with their first tagline "Express Yourself" them
came "Break the Barrier" and now "Kuch badhan atoot
hote hain" and each tagline has touched and engraved a place in
consumers mind.
My loyality with Airtel? It’s a fact that ads alone can’t drive sales. Even
though Airtel ads have done wonders in pushing people to the Airtel counters,
the company has also gone beyond expectations, and has ensured that they retain
those customers by all possible means. I am a proud owner of Airtel since 2001 and
I have never been disappointed by their promises via ads.
"Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long
enough to get money from it."