I had to renew Airtel connection sometime in June last year. When it comes to money Airtel is extra-particular. I got periodic reminders to pay in advance and renew my connection. Finally I paid Rs 11210/- only towards an annual subscription to avail myself of an ARP discount of 15 per cent. However, Airtel did not honour its commitement. It renewed my subscription for six months only involving an ARP discount of 7.5 per cent only. It retained the balance amount without bothering to refund; earned some petty amounf interest. What is worse, it has started sedning reminders since last month to renew my subscription with amounts increasing with every new email. This is Airtel at its worst. It is really shocking to expereince this kind of atrocious explotation by these comapnies in this supposedly golden era of Shree Rama Rajya.