Airtm is website where people can exchange the currency in less cost.With AirTM you can receive dollar payments from anywhere in the world and make dollar payments to anywhere in the world all instantlyAirTM is the fastest, lowest-cost, and most convenient way to preserve your wealth in dollars, convert dollars to local currency, and receive or make payments in dollars.DEPOSIT AND WITHDRAW LOCAL CURRENCYOnce you’ve opened your AirTM account, just hit the deposit button and enter the amount of local currency you want to hold as dollars in you AirTM account, as well as the e-transfer method you want to use to make your deposit.AirTM matches you with a peer who earns a small commission for completing your transaction. airtm debit the dollars from your peers AirTM account as soon as he or she accepts the transaction and hold the dollars in your name to ensure that everything goes smoothly.( i.e, escrow security) You send your peer the correct amount of money via a local bank transfer( or other e-transfer method) and we release the dollars to your AirTM account.It’s that easy.When you need local currency, just hit the withdraw button, enter the amount of local currency you want to withdraw, and the e-transfer method you want to use. They will match you with a peer who will receive your local currency in exchange for sending dollars to your AirTM account. Now from the point of view of earningwe could be the cashier and accept transactions and earn some commisionI have proofs same site search ( airtm) in blog section or follow my blog u will find all the details.How to create? and verify account? and approved as cashier?