It was a very bad experience in the store. She tried copying the hollywood stars by starting this sotre. its no where near them. It was as bad as she is. Bad products, vey very expensive and no ambiance. The esales people were very unfriendly and un coopereative like her. I will never visit it again. nor will any of my friends. she is best doing side roles in movies. or do dancers roles. her voice is very squeaky and no amount of dubbing can change that horrible accent that she speaks with . esply while giving interviews, the fake accent is toooo much to digest. foolish woman!!!
dont waste money ther. its better to buy stuff from roadside shops.
Oh what an experience!
never ever I will go there again. I will never recommend it to anyone.
ash be careful when u do such things in future.
ash ash ash ash ash ash ash ash ash ash
it was horrible.