Well, if youre looking for something hot, Aitraaz is certainly the movie for you. But before you start jumping to conclusions that this is just one of the many sleazy skin flicks that have been churned out over the past year-THINK AGAIN.
While the film definitely does have Priyanka Chopra providing ample skin show(which actually, for a change, is relevant to her character) there are a lot more words which come to mind other than just plain hot when describing this film. Its refreshing, tackles a bold subject, and is classily executed. Dont believe me? Go watch the movie yourself.
Aitraaz tells the fascinating tale of Raj(Akshay Kumar) and Priya(Kareena Kapoor) a happily married couple, whose lives are turned upside down by the malovelent money minded Sonia(Priyanka Chopra). Basically, what happens is Sonia is in a higher position than Raj, married to the head of the mobile company(Amrish Puri) he works at, and she uses this to her advntage, asking Raj to engage in sexual activities with her.
When he declines her advances, thinking of his wife and his soon to be born child, she retorts to accusing him of rape. In a twist, Raj files a counter case against her, despite the stigma associated with such a move- accusing her of sexual harrasment. Will Raj succeed in proving his innocenence? What will the fate of Sonia be? Thats for you to find out.
Now to the performances, the film CLEARY belongs to Priyanka Chopra. This is undoubtedly her career best performances, and she manages to steal the limelight from her seasoned co-stars. Not so long ago, Priyanka stated in an interview that she had gotten so involved in developing her character, that her mother noted her mannerisms at home began to resemble those of Sonia.
After watching Aitraaz, you can definitely see why. She really has lived the part of Sonia. Now shes probably going to be remembered most for her extremely bold dialogues, as showcased in the trailers of the film, yet we must remember they are definately part of the make up of her character of Sonia, and it is not as if the makers of the film had them implemented for the purpose of titilating front benchers.
Kareena Kapoor, doesnt have a terrible lot to do, except play the part of a typical filmi wife. Yet she still manages to leave an impact when she confronts Priyanka both in the coutroom and her office. Kareena has definately matured a great deal as an actress, and looks simply gorgeous.
As for Akshay Kumar, who I dont particularly regard as a great actor, he has surprised me, with a restrained performance. Just try and ignore his terrible dance moves.
So, so far Ive just basically yapped on about the positives of this movie. Arent they any flaws? Well clearly there are. What first comes to mind is the ATROCIOUS CHEOREOGRAPHY. Now you really wont have much of a clue how truly dreadful it is, until you watch the film. Honestly, If it wasnt for the cast, I would have thought the cheoreography was straight out of some B grade 80s flick.
Besides this, the film, in the initial stages, with the mushy romance of Kareena and Akshays characters being developed is quite cliche and quite frankly, painful to watch. But things heat up with the introduction of Priyankas character.
Yet despite its numerous flaws, I would reccomend Aitraaz to you. It definately tries something different, unlike its fellow Diwali release Veer Zaara. GO WATCH IT NOW AT YOUR NEAREST CINEMA! You wont be dissapointed.