I didnt get to watch Aksar until a few days ago and when I did I thought, Oh wow what a mistake. It was a waste of my time. I shouldve known what to expect as it was a movie with Emraan in it.
Is it just me or is everybody becoming tired of him. How long can he last in bollywood with his serial kisser title. Its so annoying to turn on the t.v. and see him act out the same thing again n again n again. Im not saying that hes a bad actor but all his potential and versitality(if he has any) is completly hidden. And well Udita.....Im at a loss of words to say anything about her. What is wrong with her? By doing such stupid roles she shows that she has no versitality or ability to act. From Zeher to Aksar I didnt see one change in her acting. Maybe its not right to blame the role but if things keep going in this direction what way is she heading???
And than there is Dino. I wont say much about him because I honestly dont think he is a bad actor but I just think that he doesnt get the right type of roles. But I have to say his role in Aksar was a bit odd. I mean overall the movie just confused me and at the end I was like what the hell is this. I dont know what the point of the movie was. I mean honestly are there really people like Dinos character in this world. Emraans role was somewhat believable and maybe Uditas too but Dinos role made me think. I guess nowadays hardly any movies with real stories are made. And when so they are over-looked. But surprisingly audience accepts movies like this.
Overall if I have to say something good about the movie I would probably say the songs.
I mean its fine to watch if youre bored or are in a mood to give yourself a headache but besides that I would have to say that STAY AWAY from these types of movies. Its for your own good.....